Ugrás a tartalomra


Dátumcsökkenő sorrend Partner Jelleg Rövid leírás
2007 Békés County Environmental and Nature Conservational Ltd. Részletes Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat Conducting the wildlife and ecotoxicological examinations in the recipient (Run Kőrös) of managed waste water and its neighbourhood for preparing the environmental impact assessment of the being established on the yard of Bonduelle Nagykőrös Ltd. in Nagykőrös .
2007 SCIAP Ltd. Részletes Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat Preparing the aquatic macroinvertebrate and the macrovegatation parts of the report for the environmental impact assessment of the wastewater treatment site at Mártély.
2007 Daten-Kontor Informatical Developper and Provider Ltd. Adatbázis szolgáltatás Delegation the right of using the biotic data for working out the project „Conservational Information System informatics software development”.
2007 Balaton-felvidéki Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Research of the aquatic macroinvertebrates in the “Kis-Balaton Flood Prevention System Time II”.
2007 Belemnites Engineering Ltd. Előzetes Vizsgálati Dokumentáció Preparing the whole wildlife protection chapter of the preliminary environmental impact report for preparing the permission of dragging Shoal Cigány at Mohács on the Danube.
2007 Kárpát Energo cPlc. Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat In connection to the establishment of investment KCE in Vásárosnamény, surveying the current ecological status in relation to the future monitoring sites, methodology and target organism group.
2007 SCREEN INTERNATIONAL Ltd. Előzetes Vizsgálati Dokumentáció Preparing the preliminary examination report in the frame of the permission process of the planned timber-burning power-station supplied with 50 MWe energy plantation at Tiszabezdéd.
2007 State Secretariat for Nature and Environment Protection, Ministry of Environment and Water Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Country-wide NBmR monitoring of the aquatic macroinvertebrates in year 2007.
2007 UTIBER Public Road Investment Ltd. Előzetes Vizsgálati Dokumentáció Surveying Natura 2000 sites on the M43 highway section between Makó-Csanadpalota and Nagylak for the preliminary examination report.
2007 Magyar Természettudományi Múzeum Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Water Framework Directive-based zoological monitoring on 4 sampling sites at Szigetköz region.
2007 Bálint Analytics Ltd. Felülvizsgálati dokumentáció Supervision report on aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna of two sampling sites on Stream Tarján.
2007 DALERD Forestry cPLc. Szakértői anyag Conducting ecological surveys and summarising its results in connection with the establishment of game farming and safeguarding fence on the periphery nr. 0446/1 of Derekegyháza, and the management of a wild boar trapping and breeding system.
2007 North-Hungarian Water Conservancy Directorate Komplex természetvédelmi/ökológiai kutatás Surveying basic conditions, measuring chemical and biological parameters in laboratory, making computer models, and preparing a summarising study based on the conclusions on the possible effect of the planed works for the study of the INTERREG project „Navigating extension, conservation and rural development in the regions along the Hungarian-Slovakian-Ukrainian border (HUSKUA/05/02/169)”.
20072008 AQUAPROFIT cPLc. Komplex természetvédelmi/ökológiai kutatás "Preparing the feasibility study of the EU-sponsored project Kis-Balaton Flood Prevention System Time II." (taking part as being surveyors of the conservational relevant assemblages and species, working in the project as conservational experts, working out and establishing the monitoring system in Water Framework Directive-aspect, preparing the conservational and wildlife protection chapters to the correct part of reports).
2007 Hortobágy National Park Directorate Komplex természetvédelmi/ökológiai kutatás Complex ecological status survey (vegetation-mapping, detailed zoological and botanical surveys) in the frame of the INTERREG program (HUSKUA/05/01/139) entitled “Working out Hungarian-Ukrainian complex flood-protection, water-management, and floodplain-revitalization development plans for the Bereg region and the drainage area of River Borzsa”.
2007 Eco-Green Ltd. Részletes Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat Conducting the nature conservational survey for reducing the ecological network on the area of the industrial park being established in Bag.
2007 SCIAP Ltd. Részletes Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat In frame of environmental impact assessment report surveying the effect of the planed wash-lock at the estuary of Stream Csermely on wildlife, including the examination of aquatic macroinvertebrate, butterfly, amphibian and reptilian populations by literature data and field work sampling.
2007 Belemnites Engineering Ltd. Előzetes Vizsgálati Dokumentáció Preparing the whole wildlife protection chapter of the preliminary environmental impact report for preparing the permission of dragging Shoal Szabadsag on the Danube.
2007 Fertő-Hanság Nemzeti Park Igazgatóság Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Monitoring of the aquatic macroinvertebrates in the area of the Fertő-Hanság and Őrség National Park Directorate.
2008 Central-Tisza-Region Environmental and Water Management Directorate Előzetes Vizsgálati Dokumentáció Preliminary examination for preparing the reconstruction investments of ‘Run Hanyi groundwater channel’ at the whole section, and the conduction the preliminary report.
2008 Duna-Ipoly National Park Directorate Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Collecting data about the macroscopic invertebrate fauna of the section of the Ipoly between Balassagyarmat and Szob, with particular emphasis on occurrences of Natura 2000 species.
2008 SCIAP Ltd. Felülvizsgálati dokumentáció The impacts of the managed sewage flown into the oxbow-lake ‘Mártélyi-Holt-Tisza’ on wildlife, including the unravelling of impacts on the flora, the Natura 2000 butterfly species and the aquatic macroscopic invertebrate population based on floristic and faunistical sampling.
2008 State Secretariat for Nature and Environment Protection, Ministry of Environment and Water Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Country-wide NBmR monitoring of the aquatic macroinvertebrates in year 2008.
2008 Belemnites Engineering Ltd. Környezeti Hatásvizsgálat Current ecological status survey for assessing the nature conservational and wildlife protection impacts and founding the basis of a later monitoring system to indicate the impacts of the EMFESZ ERŐMŰ Ltd. invested gas turbine power station’s water-taking of (from River Tisza at Aranyosapáti) and cooling water inflow into main-flow II.
2008 ÖKO Zrt. Speciális kutatás/monitorozó jellegű vizsgálat Examination of aquatic macro-invertebrates in the area of Bátaapáti and Mórágy


Székhely: 4032 Debrecen, Soó Rezső u. 21.

Iroda:  4032 Debrecen, Kosztolányi Dezső u. 42.

Telefonszám: +36 52 541 780, +36 52 541 781

Email: info [at]